Most days are spent in the car heading to a specific location: the office, the grocery store, a restaurant or one of the many Florida parks and attractions on my list of places to visit. But there are days when it’s good to just get out on the backroads with no real destination in mind.

County Road 665
Recently, my travels took me down some backroads in Hardee County – a rural county tucked in the middle of the state about 75 miles southeast of Tampa. Hardee is where I grew up, graduated from high school, and where my family still lives. If there’s one thing that can be said about this place, it’s that there are some beautiful backroads and a lot of opportunities to see “old Florida.” You just have to look for them.

County Road 665
Whether you head to Hardee or any of the other smaller counties in Florida, there are a few things to keep in mind before setting out:
- Carry a map – Some country roads are in areas with limited cell service. You probably wouldn’t get lost, but why take a chance?
- Take your time – The speed limit is usually lower on these backroads anyway, and there’s nothing wrong with going that speed, or even slower. If you go too fast, you’re going to miss the sights, which defeats the purpose of backroad travel.
- Look everywhere – Not everything there is to see will be by the side of the road. Deer, turkeys and other wildlife can often be spotted, but you have to look for them. Look in the wooded areas, in pastures, in the middle of orange groves. And don’t forget to look in the trees or on power poles. Eagles and other birds can be spotted nesting here as well.
- Take your camera and binoculars – The binoculars will give you a close up look at some of the wildlife and the camera will preserve your travels.
- Watch out for the other guy – Believe it or not, you probably won’t be alone on some of these backroads. They are also popular for motorcyclists who spend their weekends out riding.
The state’s many backroads offer the adventurer mile after mile of “old Florida.” Fill up your gas tank and head on out. The scenery is well worth the drive.
Sweetwater Road
What are some of your favorite backroads to travel? Leave us a comment!